Detroit Section November 2020 Meeting Notice


Detroit Section Meeting Notice

November 2020

Date: Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Time: 7:00 PM

Topic: Remote Production – Exploring how broadcast production systems are evolving to support the new requirements of media production

Speakers: Steve Wynn – Senior solutions architect, Sony Imaging Products and Solutions

Location: Online – See below to register

The new challenges of broadcast media production present some very unusual and immediate requirements, and have accelerated the move towards remote production to navigate the restrictions of our current environment.   In this session, we’ll explore some of the tools and techniques being rapidly deployed to both respond to new system realities, and to optimize new systems as we move away from SDI into a highly networked, IP-centric landscape.

With some direct examples from recent Sony projects, we will explore new aspects of production such as ‘technically distancing’ staff for switching shows, shading cameras, and coordinating productions overall, as well as describe how the new IP infrastructure initiatives support equipment resource sharing, format flexibility, and system-wide collaboration.

The meeting will be held online.  SMPTE members assigned to the Detroit Section receive notices to their e-mail address in their membership profile. If you are not a member of SMPTE or have an additional e-mail address, please join our group to receive meeting notices and other information from the Detroit Section. If you did not receive an email with the connection details, please complete the webform below.

Guests and non-members welcome – No admission charge

Please post on your company bulletin board or share with your colleagues electronically.

View a recording of this meeting here.