Detroit Section officers for 2024-2025
Section Chair: Tom Bray, University of Michigan
Secretary-Treasurer: Tim O’Brien, Center for Academic Innovation, University of Michigan
Managers (terms starting July 1, 2023 and ending June 30, 2025):
- Frank Maynard, CPBE, CBS Television (retired)
- W. Wallace Murray, AT&T (Retired)
- Gina Witzke, Ross Video
Managers (terms starting July 1, 2024 and ending June 30, 2026):
- Christopher Goosman, University of Michigan
- Richard Thomas II, Michigan State University Broadcasting Services (WKAR-TV)
- Vacant
Immediate Past Chair: Frank Maynard, CBS Television (retired)
Test Materials Advisor: Vacant
Education Advisor: Raymond Previ, PreRay Productions
Webmaster: Frank Maynard, CBS Television
Central Region Governor: William T. Hayes, Iowa Public Television
Contact any of the officers using our contact form.