Passing of Fred Remley

[Fred Remley]
Fred Remley, 1929-2019
Our colleague and SMPTE Fellow Fred Remley passed away Tuesday, October 22, 2019 at the age of 90. Fred’s extensive resume included serving as a SMPTE Governor and chair of the SMPTE Journal Board of Editors. He was instrumental in the establishment of many SMPTE standards, served on numerous international standards committees, and (in his day job) established and oversaw the University of Michigan Television Center as well as many radio and video services at the University. Fred was also an avid photographer and music aficionado.

A memorial will be held at the Friends Meeting House, 1420 Hill St., Ann Arbor, on Saturday, November 9 from 4:00 to 5:00 pm.

More information can be found in the obituary.

The Detroit Section extends our condolences to Fred’s wife Anne and the Remley family with sincere appreciation for having shared Fred with us in the motion imaging community.