Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers
Detroit Section Meeting Notice
May 2019
Date: Tuesday, May 7, 2019 (First Tuesday in May)
Time: 7:30 pm
Location: Cutters Studios Detroit, 13320 Northend Avenue, Oak Park, MI 48237. (248) 548-2500 (East of Coolidge between 8 Mile and 9 Mile Roads) [Map]
Speaker: John Schilberg, Central Regional Sales Manager, Utah Scientific, Inc.
Subject: From Pocket Protectors to Packet Sniffers – IP in Broadcasting
Over the past forty years, the world of radio and television broadcasting has changed from analog, to serial digital, to IP. We used to carry a “greenie” as our primary tool and the only “password” required was knowing how to operate the rack tray cover locks. Times have changed, and now we’re working with signals that are carried on copper or fiber optic cables and function at blazing speeds. Come join us for a bit of a trip back and a look forward on what we might be able to expect in the future as the industry transitions yet again, this time from serial digital to IP conveyance of video signals.
John Schilberg is the Central Region Sales Manager for Salt Lake City-based equipment manufacturer Utah Scientific, Inc. Originally from Wisconsin, John has worked in television engineering at stations in Montana, Texas and Oklahoma, and in broadcast equipment sales with vendors and manufacturers including Masstech and Dejero. John is based in the Dallas, Texas area and has been with Utah Scientific since March 2018.
No charge to attend – Non-members and friends welcome.
There will be a no-host Managers’ Dinner prior to the meeting at 5:30 pm at Bagger Dave’s Burger Tavern, 2972 Coolidge Rd., Berkley (just south of 12 Mile). [Map] (248) 543-3283. Please click here to let us know if you are coming.
Section Elections underway
Be sure to cast your ballot in the Detroit Section Election. Voting is open until Monday, April 29 at 7:59 pm. Members should have received an e-mail with instructions on how to vote, or a paper ballot if they have opted out of online voting. If you received neither, go to, click on Membership, then 2019 Section Elections.