ADR Demonstration Friday, June 6

Ever wonder about the Hollywood magic to making the dialog you hear onscreen come out crystal clear? They use a little trick called ADR (, 2010). We have a special opportunity for those who may be curious about how Automatic Dialogue Replacement (ADR) works.
You have seen the term used in the end credits of your favorite movie or TV show, ADR…often in the same frame as Foley.

One of our former SMPTE technical speakers Ken Glaza has extended an invitation to SMPTE guests and members to demonstrate how they do ADR at his company, K&R, this Friday around 1:30p. Space is limited, so we need everyone who is interested to RSVP so that he may prepare the space.

This is not the official June SMPTE meeting, which will be presented June 17th on Digital Cinema Packaging. An official invitation to that meeting will be sent out shortly.

Remember, please RSVP for the ADR demonstration to Ken Glaza of K&R Digital Media Production: 248-557-8276 or email

When you RSVP, Ken will provide the address where the demonstration is being held.