Detroit Section November 2021 Meeting


Detroit Section Meeting Notice

November 2021

Date: Monday, November 15, 2021

Time: 11:00 am – 2:00 PM

Topic: OConsortium Technology Tour

Location: WKBD – WWJ-TV Parking Lot, 26905 W. 11 Mile Rd., Southfield

In place of a usual Section meeting this month, we are participating in the Detroit-area stop of the OConsortium Technology tour.

The OConsortium technology tour is a demonstration of the newest ATSC 3.0 technology contained in their Mobile Demonstration Unit and more. It is glass-to-glass showing how this technology can be deployed in broadcast stations and used by first responders. Supporting sponsors including the major standards organizations (SBE, ATSC, SMPTE and AWARN), new and known technology groups (such as Dejero, Panasonic, Aveco, TaTa Communications, QComm/QForce, Persistent Systems, Televese and Riedel) and Sinclair Broadcast Group/One Media Labs.

With ATSC 3.0 NextGen stations being deployed across the country now, it is the time to see what is out there that actually exists and how it can be helpful. Even if you are not a NextGen station, the new technology and how it works in the cloud, securely and quickly is something not to miss.

During the demonstration, Jim Ocon will show you how the technologies work together. The Oconsortium was created to build workflows and connect technologies together to create an advantage or solve a problem for the end user.

The tour vehicle will be parked at WKBD, 26905 W. 11 Mile Rd., Southfield, from 11 am to 2 pm on Monday, November 15. Lunch will be provided at noon and there will be a prize drawing at the conclusion of the event. There is no charge to attend. All SMPTE members, non-members and interested persons are invited. Visit the OConsortium website for tour dates and locations and registration information.

The event organizers have requested that all attendees be vaccinated against Covid-19.

Guests and non-members welcome – No admission charge

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