SMPTE Society Elections now open

Voting members of SMPTE: Don’t forget to cast your vote in the 2018 SMPTE Elections, open through 24 September at 11:59pm GMT!  As a voting member of the Society, please take the time to participate in this year’s elections for Board Officers and Regional Governors.

To allow members to learn more about the candidates and the voting process before casting their votes, we have created a Society Elections page on the SMPTE website, where you will find interviews with each of the candidates, as well as information about the election process itself.  Please visit to watch the candidate interviews and learn more before placing your vote.

The SMPTE Board of Governors is the top governing body of the Society and within the framework of the Bylaws decides policy which governs all Society activities.  Your vote is very important, as it will help to determine the leaders that will set and work to achieve the goals for the Society.  SMPTE thanks all those who are willing to volunteer their time to help lead and grow our Society, and we hope that you take the time to get to know the candidates through the website above before placing your vote.

Voting members should have received an e-mail with instructions on how to log in and vote. Those who do not receive e-mail should have received a letter via postal mail. Please contact SMPTE Headquarters if you have not received any voting instructions.

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